Tower is located in the middle between Na'ama Bay and Sharm el Sheikh and named after the tall rock column standing beside the reef. Easy to find due to this characteristic rocky shape it is one of the most dramatic dive sites in the area. You will find yourself over a deep canyon with crystal-blue waters. The walls descend vertically for over 120 m so watch your depth carefully when fining over the canyon. Leave the canyon, keep the reef on the left and follow the gently slope. If you look hard, you might see a long nose hawk fish on one of the multicoloured soft corals. Return, but this time swim upwards. From 12 to 5 m explore ov...erhangs and caves; one has a school of glassfish. Before surfacing, you should take a look at the two large caves at the beginning of the canyon towards the beach in about 5 m depth; lionfish, glassfish, bigeyes and boxfish populate them.
Strait of Tiran
OWD, 15 Logged Dives